Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Little Girl Lost

Where is she?
That little girl all smiles and laughter
The one who saw only sunshine and light.
Her joy in life expressed in rainbows of color
Now only seen in Black and white.

Where is she?
That radiant child, who loved so freely.
Trusting those she loved
Would always protect her.
Now surrounded by strangers,
Afraid to trust,
After the betrayal of those she once held dear.

Where is she?
That open truthful child,
The one who did not know how to lie,
The one whose eyes were the morror to her soul.
Now she hides behind many masks
Never letting the world see
The emptiness she feels inside.

Where is she?
That child of innocence
Who thought her father, the knight of her childhood
Would slay all her Dragons.
And her mother the beautiful lady
Would send all her nightmares away.
Only to find that the Knights shining armour
Was tarnished and broken.
And the lady could not see the nightmare she lived
Nor hear her pleas for help.

Where is she?
That happy little girl
Who once sang her way through life
Slightly off key, but full of confdence.
Now she sings no more,
She silently cries in the night.

Where is she?
The little girl who knew what she wanted
And where she was headed in life.
Now she feels lost and alone
In a storm at sea
Surrounded by darkness and fear.

Where is she?
I found her in the deepest reaches of my soul
Hiding in the dark
Alone and silently weeping
For the things she had lost.

Where is she?
Slowly in broken toddlers steps
She quietly moves back toward the light
Silently, brick by brick
Tearing down the walls she hd built around her soul
And as she tells the terrible secrets of her childhood.
The nightmare that was her life
Begins to recede
Replaced by hopes & dreams
Once again in Rainbow Colors
Leaving behind the black and white.
© Summer Moon 1999


Anonymous said...

oh Mel sweetie this is blue xxx

Anonymous said...

Mel, I think it boils down to TLC and encouragement from other caring people. Healing comes from within regardless of 'method'.

Funnily enough I watched Girl, Interrupted last night wanting to ogle wazzername, but got carried away and was compelled to watch. Perhaps it was just nostalgia.