Saturday, 7 June 2008

Forget celebs, big brother numpties, football and the credit crunch, this is a proper news story.

They said at one point it started ticking so they stopped it by putting water on it. How does that work then? I think when they build the Olympic stadium they should clean the bomb and put it on display there. After it's safe, of course. Not sure if the German competitors would find it a bit off putting tho!!


Ray said...

Water and salt, to try to mess up the mechanics I suppose. I like the bit about the "powerful magnet" - I have visions of them holding one of those bigAcme magnets they have in cartoons.

Anonymous said...

It's a validation of german engineering. If it had been a british one it would have tocked rather than ticked and gone off with a whimper!

Mel said...

If it had been a british one it wouldnt be a problem as it would have instructions, warnings, DO NOT signs and a full service history with one carefull owner.

Anonymous said...

If it was british it probably wouldnt be working after 50 years.

Anonymous said...

It has been a nightmare commuting wise, ive not long gone back to work after my maternity and this week has been a nightmare xxx

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.